Faster than light unlock all ships
Faster than light unlock all ships

Actual product may vary from image shown. The color displayed on ones monitor and actual color may differ. You just need to play in hard or normal to discover why. RELEASE DATE: IMPORTANT NOTES: Release date, pre-order period, shipping schedule, contents, product description, and preview image are subject to change based on operational circumstances. There's a reason why an overwhelming majority of people suggest new players start in easy. Then again, it's not like the game is almost 10 years old, you'll find plenty suggestions and guides online. If you really want to dive into normal or hard, I'd suggest trying to get the Zoltan ship found in Zoltan Homeworlds as it's a relatively easy to get ship that is arguably one of the best in the game, probably top 3 or 4. After unlocking the ships or won in easy, you can still try to get them in a harder setup and seeing it marked as such. Early flavours of various deaths are lovely and besides, the achievement marker in-game notify in which difficulty you have unlocked them. There's absolutely no shame in unlocking ships in easy.

faster than light unlock all ships

Go to documents/my games/Faster Than Light Find the file titled hsmvversion.sav Move hsmvprof.sav to a different folder. Before deleting your save file, first try this.

faster than light unlock all ships faster than light unlock all ships

Losing repeatedly, having very little money and seeing sudden spikes of difficulty is frustrating and is what's waiting for you if you play hard. For unlocking ships with the console, please visit this wiki page. Until then, I'd strongly suggest playing in easy. Easy is in name only, normal was supposed to be a serious challenge even for seasoned players, hard is even harsher and perfectly doable if you know what you're doing and what the game can throw at you. If you can't manage to win easily in easy, you might still be able to win playing hard but that's a big "might". It sounds like you've barely played the game.

Faster than light unlock all ships